5 Reasons To Consider Using A Midwife

nurse midwife

Today’s women are becoming increasingly informed about their healthcare options, particularly concerning prenatal and postpartum care. These days, many women opt to work with a certified nurse midwife Jackson Heights, NY, during their delivery. Midwives can collaborate with you and your doctor to create a collaborative care plan that is ideal for you.

Here are reasons to consider using a midwife.

1. You want to experience natural childbirth

Above everything, the midwifery model of care aims to provide assistance and knowledge that supports a healthy and secure pregnancy, labor, and delivery for you and your child.

The midwife attitude also values the delivery process and believes in giving you control over it, so you will be less inclined to request unneeded medical assistance. It should come as no surprise that most women who select a midwife for prenatal care and delivery do so because they want a natural birth experience.

Using a midwife is associated with decreased rates of medically induced labor, epidural use, and episiotomy surgery, according to the research. Attending a midwife’s appointment lowers your risk of having an emergency cesarean section, even if your baby is not in the proper position when labor begins.

2. You want to collaborate with your provider

The care you receive from a midwife is tailored to your specific physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and cultural needs because they approach pregnancy and labor from a whole-person perspective.

Throughout your pregnancy, labor, and delivery, and the first few months as a new mother, a Certified Nurse Midwife can put you at ease and provide you with unwavering support.

Because midwifery is a relationship-based, woman-centered care approach that respects both your physical autonomy and personal preferences, your chances of having the delivery you desire are boosted.

3. You desire the best birth outcome possible

Having a midwife by your side reduces your risk of needing medical assistance during labor as well as your probability of having an episiotomy when the baby is delivered.

Midwifery care is linked with increased satisfaction with the birthing process, a higher possibility of a spontaneous vaginal delivery, a lower risk of preterm birth, and lower infant death rates.

Additionally, women who chose midwives are more likely to have a successful nursing experience and express overall greater satisfaction with the level of care they have gotten.

4. You are considering an alternative birth environment

Although traditional hospitals account for the great majority of births attended by midwives in the US, midwives also assist with home deliveries and births at independent birth centers. Fortunately, new birth centers are coming up all across the country.

A Certified Nurse Midwife can explain the procedure if you are interested in arranging an alternative birth or want to learn more about it. Also, they will tell you what to anticipate if unforeseen events force you to change your birth plan.

5. You want comprehensive care, you can rely on

By choosing a midwife for your delivery, you will receive thorough prenatal care and education, hands-on support throughout labor and delivery, and A-to-Z postpartum and infant care since midwives are highly educated in every area of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care.

Midwives may assess when obstetrical care or medical intervention may be required, even though they frequently advocate careful waiting to help reduce unnecessary medical interventions.

Midwives contribute to developing a supportive environment for birthing by offering individualized, medically supported care that stresses natural childbirth.

Call Raveco Medical to book your appointment to work with a Certified Nurse Midwife to help you in your delivery.