Tonsillitis: Symptom, Causes, Risk Factors, and Prevention


Tonsils are two oval-shaped lymph nodes in the back of your mouth and the top of each side of your throat. They prevent infection in the body by filtering out germs and bacteria. If the tonsils get inflamed, they may become swollen, and you may also have other symptoms, such as tender lymph nodes on the side of your neck, sore throat, and difficulty swallowing. The appropriate treatment depends on the cause of the infection, so it is essential to get a diagnosis. If your Tonsils Harvey occurs frequently, does not respond to other treatments, or causes complications, you may discuss surgery with your doctor.

What are the symptoms of tonsillitis?

Tonsillitis is associated with red, swollen tonsils. Other symptoms include sore throat, white or yellow coating on the tonsil, difficulty swallowing, enlarged, tender lymph nodes in the neck, bad breath, fever, and ear pain. You may also experience stomach ache, headache, or a stiff neck.

If tonsillitis affects your young child, who can’t articulate well, you may notice that they refuse to eat. They may also drool due to painful swallowing and may be unusually fussy. It is important to seek medical attention if your child has any symptoms that may indicate tonsillitis. Seek immediate care if your child has difficulty breathing, extreme difficulty swallowing, or excessive drooling.

What causes tonsils inflammation?

Common viruses most often cause inflammation of the tonsils, but bacterial infections can also be the culprit. The bacterium that causes step throat is the most common bacterium causing tonsillitis.

As previously mentioned, tonsils filter out germs and bacteria to prevent infection in the body; they are your immune system’s first line of defense against bacteria and viruses and are therefore they are susceptible to infection.

Risk factors for tonsillitis

Children between preschool ages and the middle teenage years are more likely to have tonsillitis caused by bacteria. Frequent exposure to germs also elevates the risk of inflamed tonsils, as seen in children; they are often in close contact with their peers and exposed to viruses and bacteria, causing tonsillitis.

Tips to prevent tonsillitis

Maintaining adequate hygiene is the greatest preventative measure since the viruses and bacteria that cause viral and bacterial tonsillitis are contagious. Your child should be reminded to wash their hands both before and after using the lavatory. If your child is school-aged, tell them they should not share drinking glasses, utensils, and water bottles. It is also vital to replace their toothbrush after being diagnosed with tonsillitis.

If your child is diagnosed with tonsillitis, you can help them prevent the spread of the infection to others by keeping them home when they are ill. Ask your doctor when it is all right for them to return to school after treatment. You also want to teach your child to sneeze or cough into a tissue or elbow when necessary. Emphasize the importance of washing hands after sneezing or coughing.

If you or your child has tonsillitis symptoms, book an appointment with your doctor at ENT of New Orleans for treatment to avoid complications like tonsillar cellulitis.