Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD): Know About the Serious Leg Pain

Leg Pain

Leg pain is normal, and we tend to avoid it very often. We mainly consider it as a sign of aging or arthritis. But, when there is leg pain in the joints, you can consider that there is an arthritis problem or joint problem. On the other hand, when there is a problem in the leg muscles, it is a serious matter of concern. This leg muscle pain is known as peripheral vascular disease.

If you start having pain in your leg muscle, it is a warning sign that you have to consider medical care like Expert Pain to diminish your problems.

What are the main causes of PVD?

The main cause of PVD is blockage of artery walls with plaque buildup around the wall. This plaque is a fatty deposit in the leg arteries that block it. This clogging of arteries limits blood flow leading to leg pain.

This blockage also decreases the supply of oxygen in the tissue and thus decreases the size of blood vessels. However, there are other reasons for PVD, which are as follows.

  • Infection
  • Injury
  • Irregular anatomy of muscles.

What are the Symptoms of PVD?

PVD is generally symptom-free for people, but some people have symptoms to prove that it is a PVD disease. The first symptom is leg cramps which you can solve through exercises or walking. However, there are some symptoms like weakness in pulse, hair loss in legs, changes in skin in the leg, brittleness, numbness, paleness in the legs and severe pain.

How is PVD Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of PVD is possible through various scans like ankle-brachial index, magnetic resonance angiography, doppler ultrasound flow studies, treadmill exercise test, and other tests doctors recommend specifically for your case and pain.

What is the Treatment of PVD?

You can treat PVD with your lifestyle change by exercising and walking. You should also imbibe proper nutrition into your foodstyle. There is aggressive treatment available which you can do through medicines.

If there is not much improvement in your condition after these non-surgical treatments, you can opt for surgical treatment after consulting your doctor. There is vascular surgery and angioplasty surgical treatment that is available for you.

Once you start seeing your symptoms of PVD, you should take it seriously and start with your lifestyle changes. You should also try to quit smoking and tobacco products, make dietary changes, weight loss, restrict alcohol, and control diabetes and high blood pressure. If you follow these steps, you can easily tackle peripheral vascular disease.