Considering A Mouth Guard? Here Is What You Need to Know

Mouth Guard

Grinding or clenching your teeth while sleeping is common among adults and children. According to the American Sleep Association, involuntary teeth clenching affects around 10% of adults and 15% of kids. When it begins to cause jaw or tooth pain, headaches, or damage to your teeth, it is best to visit your dentist. If you grind or clench your teeth, you should invest in a mouth guard. mouth guards Brooklyn offers an affordable, non-invasive way to protect teeth from bruxism and relieve temporomandibular joint pain (TMJ). Read on for everything you need to know about mouthguards.

About Night/Mouth Guards

You wear this device between your teeth while asleep, similar to the athletic mouthguard. Nightguards are generally used to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching, medically called bruxism. They are made of rubber or plastic, fit over your top teeth, and be specifically molded to fit your mouth.

Why Would You Require a Mouth Guard?

The main reason why most people use mouthguards is bruxism. There are several reasons why you are grinding or clenching your teeth. Mostly, it happens when you are stressed or asleep. You don’t realize you are grinding your teeth often because it occurs when you are asleep, and you must be told by a loved one who can hear it. The grinding can damage your teeth’ enamel and put an untenable strain on them. This can cause cavities, tooth decay, and damage to your teeth, including the oral tissues.

What Are the Benefits of a Mouth Guard?

Having a mouthguard will help you in lots of ways. Some of the benefits of a mouth guard include; sleeping better, avoiding the dull ache in your jaw, avoiding annoying headaches when you wake up, and protecting your teeth like any crowns, dentures, or other restorations. Mouth guards can also help to relieve headaches and soreness caused by chronic TMJ strain.

Getting A Mouth Guard from A Dentist Is the Best Approach

While you can get a mouth guard from the store, it won’t be the same as the one from your dentist. For the best remedy, you should get night guards that are explicitly custom-fitted to your mouth. Your dentist will help you get a custom fit that will make you breathe and speak comfortably. During your visit, the dentist will make a custom-made mold so that your mouth guard supports your teeth and maintains a healthy alignment.

How Should You Care for Your Mouthguard?

Dentists recommend you wear the mouthguard just before you go to sleep. You can remove it immediately after you wake up. Any night guard should start feeling comfortable after wearing it for four to six weeks. You should clean your mouthguard before and after every use. Cleanse it with cold, clean water, or brush it with a toothbrush and toothpaste. You should not wash it with hot water or leave it in a hot area to avoid expanding and getting loose. If it starts feeling loose and uncomfortable, it is time to consider replacing it.

Night guards provide the best solution if you are experiencing bruxism or are concerned that your teeth are damaged by constant grinding. Customized mouthguards prove durable, comfortable, and highly effective in combating bruxism and maintaining the integrity of the mouth. Please don’t wait for your teeth to grind down until they require replacement. Contact your dentist to seek a night or mouth guard today.