Restore Your Smile Aesthetics With Dental Implants

Dental Implants

Undoubtedly, missing teeth can significantly affect your facial appearance. A tooth gap can cause the remaining teeth to move out of place, affecting your smile aesthetics. If you are worried about the gaps in your smile, your implant dentist Orlando, FL can schedule a dental implant surgery to restore your complete smile.

What you should know about dental implant surgery

Dental implant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure that uses posts that look and work like natural tooth roots to replace missing or damaged tooth roots. This therapy is an excellent alternative to dentures that fit loosely and give a firm foundation if you don’t have enough natural teeth for bridgework or denture placements. How your doctor performs the surgery depends depend on the condition of your jawbone and the type of implant. Numerous steps are involved, and the entire process could take several months, with healing taking up the majority of the time.

Preparation tips for dental implant surgery

During your initial appointment at Orlando Center For Cosmetic Dentistry, the specialists examine your mouth to determine if you have enough bone to support the implant. If you have dental problems like cavities, they may treat them first before preparing you for dental implant surgery.

Considering that dental implants require several surgical procedures, you must prepare adequately. Your provider may need to review your medical history and if you have orthopedic implants or specific heart conditions, your provider may prescribe antibiotics to prevent infection. Additionally, your treatment plan will rely on the number of remaining teeth and the health of your jawbone. To ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure, your provider administers general anesthesia, sedation, or local anesthesia. You should consider talking to your provider after the option you are comfortable with. If you decide on general anesthesia or sedation, you may need to prepare for someone to drive you home after the treatment and tend to your needs for the rest of the day.

What to expect after dental implant surgery

After your treatment, your specialist may instruct you on how to care for the implant to prevent infection. Your doctor may advise you against brushing the surgical site for the first 24 hours and avoid using straws and smoking for the rest of that day. Soft foods and liquid diets like juice, smoothies, and yogurt are excellent options for the first day after surgery. You may experience sensitivity to cold and hot temperatures immediately after surgery but it will resolve over time as you heal. You may also notice mild swelling at the incision site and around your eyes. Your provider may suggest applying an ice pack or using a cold compress to reduce the swelling. The swelling should be down after 36 hours. The team may recommend rinsing your mouth with salt water three times a day to alleviate the discomfort and promote healing. They may also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your healing and ensure that you are free from infection. If you have any concerns or questions, feel free to speak to your doctor.

If you have a missing tooth, call the Orlando Center For Cosmetic Dentistry oddice or book your spot online for dental implant surgery.